Online Master’s Degree Programs

Master degree programs to get ahead in your career.

Whether you’re looking to change careers, advance in your current field or just expand your options, St. Joseph’s University has the online graduate degree to help get you there.

硕士学位是在你的职业生涯和教育旅程中迈出下一步的完美途径. It will give you more job autonomy, variety and job satisfaction, according to an article in the Research in Higher Education journal. 

平均而言,拥有研究生学位的人比拥有学士学位的人赚得更多,失业的可能性也更小, according to the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS). The median salary of an employee holding a master’s degree is $12,480 more a year than a worker with a bachelor’s degree, the BLS reports.  

Why Take an Online Master's at St. Joseph’s University

While pursuing a master’s degree may be a necessity for certain careers, it offers more than just the practical application of it. Students earning a master’s through St. Joseph’s University network with other professionals, 通过在课堂上学到的东西在职业生涯中得到宝贵的经验, and learn more about the fields they love. 

At St. Joseph's University, 我们的研究生获得一流的教育,为他们灌输个人和职业成功所需的知识和技能. Students learn from people considered experts in their field, and they do so at a time and place convenient for them.

澳门足彩app的在线课程提供了几个灵活的硕士课程,帮助工作的成年人发展与卓越和道德职业表现相关的技能. Take a look through the list below, find the program that’s right for you, and get ready to succeed in a field you’re passionate about.

Our Online Master's Degrees

Build the analytical skills you need.

St. Joseph’s Master of Business Administration (M.B.A.), like our other Graduate Management Studies programs, 帮助培养企业各个方面的管理技能,并建立解决日常业务问题的分析技能. Want an executive-level position? Then this program is for you.

While the M.B.A. is geared for students with substantial work experience, 36学分的课程将通过不断地将您置于现实世界的情境中,将您的职业生涯提升到一个新的水平.

All of St. 约瑟夫的研究生管理研究课程强调与卓越管理绩效相关的能力的发展,以及理论和定量知识在日常商业环境中的应用.




M.B.A. in Health Care Management
Looking to advance in the health care industry?

The M.B.A. 在医疗保健管理提供全面的商业教育,强调财务, legal, regulatory, managerial, political, 医疗保健的社会和历史方面,同时也注重当前的问题. 它将帮助您发展业务技能并将其与基本的医疗保健知识相结合. Throughout the curriculum, 该计划支持道德行为和社会责任的发展, including diversity within the workplace. 每门课程都有一个自我导向的管理应用程序组件,解决一个适当的, 学生在实际医疗环境中发现的问题/问题/任务.




M.B.A. 在卫生保健管理,集中在卫生信息系统
Develop and implement health information systems.

Designed to develop or enhance expertise in the planning, development and implementation of health information systems, 本课程的重点是卫生信息系统如何通过使用该领域的最新方法和技术来改善卫生保健的提供.



M.B.A. in Marketing
Unleash your creativity.

Mindful that the marketing landscape continues to evolve, 我们的市场营销MBA课程为在当今数字营销环境中取得成功所需的商业知识和技能提供了坚实的基础. 

我们的课程指导学生完成管理过程,帮助他们培养管理能力, driven by emotional intelligence, that are key to effective business leadership. 

Through interdisciplinary courses, students delve into such areas of marketing as consumer insights, e-commerce and quantitative analysis, with concentrations in digital marketing, logistics and marketing data analytics. 学生将在整个项目中以团队形式工作,以复制跨职能小组, which are used to address marketing issues in the real world.



M.S. in Applied Behavior Analysis
Unleash your potential and make a difference.

The M.S. in Applied Behavior Analysis program available at St. Joseph’s University, 纽约的在线校园为学生提供了丰富的行为分析理论背景, 以及在自闭症个体行为分析评估和干预的实践中进行全面的培训和监督, autism spectrum disorders or related conditions.

With a strong core knowledge base of behavior analytic principles, 我们的学生毕业时具备成为持牌行为分析师(LBA)和/或董事会认证行为分析师(BCBA)的能力。.




M.S. in Human Services Leadership
Visionary leaders needed. Inquire within.

Career opportunities in human services are continuing to expand, 在包括儿童福利在内的一个领域,对合格领导人的需求也是如此, mental health, substance abuse, family support, health care, criminal justice and public safety, among others. 无论你的目标是职业转型还是在其中一个领域获得晋升机会,St. 约瑟夫的人力服务领导研究生课程将培养你的专业领导技能,使你成为业内受人尊敬的专业人士.

我们的项目为人类服务专业人士提供了一个进步的教育,建立在一个开创性的, research-based leadership-development curriculum. Topics include a focus on financial, legal, regulatory, political, social and historical aspects of the human services industry, 所有这些都建立在一个现代的、面向服务的领导模式上.

The M.S. 在人类服务领导包括10门课程开发专门为这个项目, 其中包括必要的领导能力,以培养有远见的领导者,他们将对他们的组织和社区产生积极的影响.




M.S. in Management, Health Care Management Concentration
Management careers in health organizations await.

如果你对卫生机构的管理职业感兴趣,我们的M.S. 在管理学位提供了一个方便和有竞争力的卫生保健管理专业迎合工作的成年人. 您将建立必要的技能和能力,这些技能和能力是医疗保健行业所有部门的医疗保健经理和高管所必需的, at your own convenience. 领导职位就在你的触手可及之处——看看你在医疗保健领域能有多出色.S. in Management, Health Care Management Concentration. 




M.S. in Management, Human Resources Management Concentration
Rise to the highest levels of the business world.

Targeting career-oriented students with a desire to succeed, St. Joseph’s M.S. in Management advances careers to the highest levels of the business world.

专为在职成人谁想要在人力资源领域的进步, the program focuses on teaching students how to be effective leaders, strategic partners, problem-solvers, and policy facilitators within public service, private and nonprofit organizations.

All of St. 约瑟夫的研究生管理研究课程强调与卓越管理绩效相关的能力的发展,以及理论和定量知识在日常商业环境中的应用.




M.S. in Management, Organizational Management Concentration
Become a superior manager.

St. Joseph’s M.S. in Management advances careers to the highest levels of the business world. 专为在公共服务中担任领导职务的工作成年人设计, private and nonprofit sectors, 该计划为成人学习者提供了提高他们对组织如何运作的理解的机会, develop effective communication skills, enhance ethical decision-making and gauge workplace performance.

All of St. 约瑟夫的研究生管理研究课程强调与卓越管理绩效相关的能力的发展,以及理论和定量知识在日常商业环境中的应用. 每门课程都强调道德行为和社会责任,以忠于大学的校训.


